The text went by to fast, and he English could've been better, but since it appears to not be your native language, it's understandable. The text speed is inexcusable though.
Okay thanks.
Very good. I'd like to know what to use to animate Madness, and how to do it though. I've been using MS Paint to polish and creates sprites (I've got a pretty cool character with a few more-or-less customized weapons) but obviously I can't use Paint to animate. Help? Or know anyone that could help? (I know you professional animatorz be busy.)
We all use Adobe Flash. There's different versions, though. The most common, that works best on older or worse computers, would be Flash 8. If you have a better computer, then the CS3 to CS6 would probably fit you the best. I wouldn't advice using the CC collection, as they're not as good as the CS collection.
No Stars. This is ridiculously fucked up. :(
A beautifully articulate review, old chap. Yes, I would have to agree, that the story was indeed quite "fucked up" as you so eloquently put it. I will, however, beg the question that perhaps the fact that it brought about such a strong and well worded reaction from you means that it was successful? OH I FORGET MY PLACE, FORGIVE ME SIRE!
Very good, but I was honestly expecting a Madness sheep. Hank J. Wimblesheep.
The thumbnail suggested RWBY OC team a little bit. It was really confusing though since the 4 good guys are apparently seperate people, yet we never see where the first one goes when one is taking its place. The second guy also should've been covered in G0L3M blood when he jumped out. How did the first guy get out in the first place? I know you're trying to do something original but it really makes no sense. There also should've been more variety in the third guy's attacks.
Next how Kratos plays Slender?
Already had someone play slender. Hence the plug at the beginning of the video.
Needs a sequel!
Age 24
Joined on 3/29/14